Mapping Our Minds
Dec 8, 2017
I learned the technique for creating mind maps at work in the mid-1990s from a work colleague. Shortly after, I was able to take a one-day workshop that Tony Buzan (the person who coined the term mind map) taught in Los Angeles. Since then, I've created hundreds of mind maps for work and for my personal life.
I couldn't embark on this project without creating a mind map. The project mind map is huge and we used it to communicate our requirements for our home to our architect and interior designer. Subsequently, I expanded the map to track our costs. It is a huge map and beyond anyone's interest except our own.
We wanted to communicate our thinking behind the Green Dream Home so I created an abriged version of our project mind map and tailored it for communication (versus requirements and cost tracking). You can see and manipulate the map here:
The default view shows the core idea and 1st level branches of the map and allows you to open branches by clicking on the end of a branch. If you want to see all of the contents of the map at one time:
- Click on Menu on the lower left corner of the screen.
- Under View Mode, on the left side of the screen, click on Standard.
To read the map, start at Inspirations on the upper right corner.
The map focuses on what we did throughout the design and build process to-date to make our home as sustainable as possible. While we did focus on function over form, we wanted the house to look good as well. We believe that with the guidance of our architect and interior designer, we will achieve that goal.
We hope this gives you further insight to what we are doing to achieve our vision.
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